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FLUKA: 13.2.25} udcdrl.f user-defined DeCay DiRection biasing and Lambda Previous Index Next

13.2.25} udcdrl.f user-defined DeCay DiRection biasing and Lambda

          (for neutrinos only)

     Argument list:
          IJ     : type of decaying particle
          KPB    : outgoing neutrino, the one direction biasing is asked for
          NDCY   : (???)
          UDCDRB, VDCDRB, WDCDRB : cosines of the preferential outgoing
                                   direction for the neutrino

 Function UDCDRL is used to bias the direction of a neutrino emitted
 by a decaying particle of type IJ. The value returned by UDCDRL is
 the Lambda for direction biasing (1-cos(theta)) (???)

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