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FLUKA: 2.3.9} Production thresholds Previous Index Next

2.3.9} Production thresholds

 The implicit NEW-DEFA default setting adopted in the example, sets, among
 other things, the production and transport threshold of heavy particles to 10
 MeV.  Production thresholds for e+e- and photons must be explicitly set using
 the EMFCUT command for all materials in the problem.  Let us choose also in
 this case a 10 MeV threshold for the single material of the example
 (previously marked with material index 5 and name BERYLLIU). Following the
 instructions about the EMFCUT option, the card can be written as:
* e+e- and gamma production threshold set at 10 MeV
EMFCUT -0.010 0.010 1.0 5.0 PROD-CUT where the first numerical field is the threshold for e+e- (the minus sign meaning kinetic energy) and the second is for photons. The material number is given in the fourth numerical field. For details on all other parameters, and for other possibilities (for example how to introduce a transport cutoff different from production threshold) the user should accurately consult the Notes to EMFCUT. In a name-based input, the above card could be:
EMFCUT -0.010 0.010 1.0 BERYLLIU PROD-CUT Production and transport threshold for all other particles can be overwritten using the PART-THR command.

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