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FLUKA: 7.7} General setting options Previous Index Next

7.7} General setting options

 The difficult task of choosing the best settings for a calculation problem is
 made much easier by the existence of several "pre-packaged" sets of defaults,
 each of which is optimised for a particular type of application. Each set is
 chosen by option DEFAULTS, which has to be placed at the beginning of the input
 file, possibly preceded only by TITLE or GLOBAL. Several possibilities include
 hadrotherapy, calorimetry, pure electromagnetic runs without photonuclear
 reactions, low-energy neutron runs without gamma production, and others. One
 set of defaults is tuned for maximum precision (but not necessarily great time
 efficiency). Reasonable defaults, acceptable for most generic routine
 calculations, are provided in case DEFAULTS is missing. In most cases, the user
 has the possibility to use some of the other setting options described below,
 to override one or more of the defaults provided by the chosen set.

 In any case, it is important to check the list of defaults to make sure that
 nothing important is missing or has been overlooked. For instance, photonuclear
 reactions, which are critical for electron accelerator shielding, are not
 provided by any of the available default sets and must be added by the user by
 means of the PHOTONUC command.

 Another setting option, DISCARD, is used to indicate particles which shall not
 be transported. The energy of those particles is not deposited anywhere but is
 added up in an accumulator which is printed at the end of the FLUKA standard
 output. Of course it is the user's responsibility to see that the discarded
 particles and their progeny would not give a significant contribution to the
 requested results.

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