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FLUKA: 9.5.6} USRBIN output Previous Index Next

9.5.6} USRBIN output


 Option USRBIN produces either formatted or unformatted output (for the
 latter, see USRBIN description for instructions on how to read it).
 As for most other estimators, a complete description in
 clear of the requested scoring is printed also on the standard
 output. For instance:

    Cartesian binning n.   1  "Cufront   " , generalised particle n.  208
       X coordinate: from -2.1100E-01 to  5.5910E+00 cm,    58 bins ( 1.0003E-01 cm wide)
       Y coordinate: from  0.0000E+00 to  5.4010E+00 cm,    53 bins ( 1.0191E-01 cm wide)
       Z coordinate: from  0.0000E+00 to -1.0000E-03 cm,     1 bins (-1.0000E-03 cm wide)
       data will be printed on unit   21 (unformatted if < 0)
       +/- Y symmetry requested and implemented
       accurate deposition along the tracks requested
       normalised (per unit volume) data will be printed at the end of the run

 After the title and date, and one line reporting the total number of particles and their weight,
 the header of the formatted output is very similar to the above text:

  *****  Roman Pot: box with windows                                                       *****

            DATE: 12/ 8/ 3,  TIME: 15:57:27

           Total number of particles followed   30000, for a total weight of  3.0000E+04

    Cartesian binning n.   1  "Cufront   " , generalised particle n.  208
       X coordinate: from -2.1100E-01 to  5.5910E+00 cm,    58 bins ( 1.0003E-01 cm wide)
       Y coordinate: from  0.0000E+00 to  5.4010E+00 cm,    53 bins ( 1.0191E-01 cm wide)
       Z coordinate: from  0.0000E+00 to -1.0000E-03 cm,     1 bins (-1.0000E-03 cm wide)
       Data follow in a matrix A(ix,iy,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))

       +/- Y symmetry requested and implemented
       accurate deposition along the tracks requested

 As for most other estimators, the matrix is easily read and manipulated by a simple
 program, using the format reported in the header. It can also be cut and pasted into
 a spreadsheet.

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