Last version:
, January 27th 2025 (last respin 2024.1.3) 06-May-2024
Fluka Release
FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al.,
The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments,
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)
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A1 Important warnings for the users
If you request the treatment of low energy neutrons (LOW-NEUT option)
be sure that the transport threshold for neutrons (set with PART-THR)
is equal to the minimum energy you need for neutron transport
(typically 1E-5 eV). Please note that the behaviour of the PART-THR
option for neutrons changed with respect to past releases.
Remember that the material numbering must be contiguous for numbers
larger than 25: if funny things occurs with materials, check it.
The mimimum recommended energy for PRIMARY electrons is about
50 to 100 keV for low-Z materials and 100-200 keV for heavy
The mimimum recommended energy for PRIMARY photons is about
5 to 10 keV.
In order to achieve reasonable results for residual nuclei
production the new evaporation module (see card PHYSICS) MUST be
activated. The old evaporation is still the default, mostly for
historical reasons and speed, but it does not produce meaningful
results for residuals. The new evaporation, available since 1997
is far more sophisticated in this respect, while differences
in emitted particle spectra and multiplicities are weak.