Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.3, January 27th 2025
(last respin 2024.1.3)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- Fluka Release
( 27.01.2025 )

FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been released.
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al., The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments, EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)

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!!! NOT IMPLEMENTED YET !!! Requests an exponential transformation ("path stretching")

     WHAT(1) >= 0.0 : WHAT(2) to WHAT(5) are used to input a parameter
                      defining the exponential transformation in various
             <  0.0 : WHAT(2) to WHAT(5) are used to define the particles
                      to which the exponential transformation must be
             Default = 0.0

For WHAT(1) >= 0.0 :

     WHAT(2) = exponential transformation parameter ETA
                ( 0 =< |ETA| < 1 )
               This value can be overridden in the user routine UBSSET
               (argument EXPTR in the calling list, see (13))
               Default = 0.0

     WHAT(3) = lower bound (or corresponding name) of the region indices
               with exponential transformation parameter ETA = WHAT(2)
                ("From region WHAT(3)...")
                Default = 2.0.

     WHAT(4) = upper bound of (or corresponding name) the region indices
               with exponential transformation parameter equal to WHAT(2)
                (" region WHAT(4)...")
                Default = WHAT(3)

     WHAT(5) = step length in assigning indices. (" steps of
                Default  = 1.0

     WHAT(6), SDUM : not used

For WHAT(1) < 0 :

     WHAT(2) = lower bound (or corresponding name) of the particle indices
               to which exponential transformation is to be applied
               ("From particle WHAT(2)...")
               Default = 1.0.

     WHAT(3) = upper bound (or corresponding name) of the particle indices
               to which exponential transformation is to be applied
                (" particle WHAT(3)...")
                Default :  = WHAT(2) if WHAT(2) > 0.0, otherwise = 40.0
                (low-energy neutrons)

     WHAT(4) = step length in assigning indices. (" steps of
                WHAT(4)"). Default: 1.0

     WHAT(5), WHAT(6), SDUM : not used

     Default (option EXPTRANS not given): no exponential transformation

Example (number based):

 EXPTRANS          1.       0.8       10.       18.        8.       0.
 EXPTRANS         -1.        7.        8.        0.        0.       0.
 *  Exponential transformation is requested for photons (particle no. 7)
 *  and neutrons (particle 8), in regions 10 and 18 with an ETA parameter
 *  equal to 0.8

The same example, name-based:

 EXPTRANS          1.       0.8  tenthReg  eighteen        8.       0.
 EXPTRANS         -1.    PHOTON   NEUTRON        0.        0.       0.

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