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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] POLARIZAtidefines the polarisation of a photon beam or source and activates transport of polarised photons WHAT(1) <= 1.0: x-axis cosine of the beam polarisation vector (electric vector in case of photons) |WHAT(1)| > 1.0: resets the default (no polarisation) This value can be overridden in user routine SOURCE by assigning a value to variable UBMPOL Default = -2.0 (no polarisation) WHAT(2) = y-axis cosine of the beam polarisation vector This value can be overridden in user routine SOURCE by assigning a value to variable VBMPOL Default = -2.0 (no polarisation) Default = 0.0 WHAT(3) = z-axis cosine of the beam polarisation vector This value can be overridden in user routine SOURCE by assigning a value to variable WBMPOL Default = -2.0 (no polarisation) Default = 0.0 WHAT(4) : flag for relative direction of beam and polarisation >= 1.0: the polarisation is orthogonal to the direction of the primary photons < 1.0: resets the default (polarisation not orthogonal to the direction of primaries) This value can be overridden in user routine SOURCE by assigning a value to the logical variable LPPERP Default = 0.0 (the polarisation is not orthogonal to the direction of the primaries) WHAT(5) = polarisation fraction (see explanation in WHAT(6) below) < 0.0: resets the default = 1.0 > 1.0: resets the default = 1.0 This value can be overridden in user routine SOURCE by assigning a value to variable POLFRA Default = 1.0 (fully polarised in the direction described by WHAT(1,2,3) WHAT(6) : flag for interpreting WHAT(5): =< 0.0 : a fraction |WHAT(5)| of beam particles are linearly polarised in the direction described by WHAT(1,2,3) and the remaining fraction (1 - WHAT(5)) are not polarised >= 1.0 : a fraction WHAT(5) of beam particles are linearly polarised in the direction described by WHAT(1,2,3) and the remaining fraction (1 - WHAT(5)) are polarised in the direction orthogonal to both the beam and that described by WHAT(1,2,3) This value can be overridden in user routine SOURCE by assigning a value to the logical variable LPFRAC Default = 0.0 (only a fraction WHAT(5) of the photons is polarised as indicated by WHAT(1,2,3), and the remaining fraction is not polarised) SDUM : not used Default (option POLARIZAti not given): photons are not assumed to be polarised Notes:
Example: * Synchrotron radiation beam with m_e/E mrad x,y divergence (produced by a 3 GeV * electron beam). The actual spectrum is provided by a a user-written source * (E_max = 500 keV). Photons are fully polarised in the horizontal (y) direction * and the polarisation is orthogonal to the direction of the primary photons *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 DEFAULTS EM-CASCA BEAM -500.E-6 0.0 1.7033E-4 0.0 0.0 1.0PHOTON SOURCE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 POLARIZA 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 |
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