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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] THRESHOLdDefines the energy threshold for star density scoring
Sets thresholds for elastic and inelastic hadron reactions
WHAT(1), WHAT(2) : not used WHAT(3) = threshold kinetic energy for hadron elastic scattering Default: same as for particle transport (set by option PART-THR or by default (i.e. the minimum one for which the present physics can work, typically 0.02/0.05 GeV depending on the hadron) WHAT(4) = threshold kinetic energy for hadron inelastic reactions Default: same as for particle transport, as defined by option PART-THR or by default. The default thresholds are: 0.0 for protons and pions, 0.02 GeV for high energy neutrons, 0.0 for particles which annihilate at rest - but the latter will not undergo any inelastic interaction between the interaction threshold (in the range 0 and 0.050 GeV depending on the hadron), and 0.0 - and between 0 and 0.050 GeV for all other hadrons) WHAT(5) : not used WHAT(6) = threshold kinetic energy for star scoring Default: the same values as set for inelastic reactions (see WHAT(4) above) SDUM : not used Default (option THRESHOLd not given): the threshold for star scoring is set at 20 MeV for protons and neutrons, and at 50 MeV for all other hadrons Notes:
Example 1: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 THRESHOLd 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * Switch off elastic scattering of hadrons below 2 GeV Example 2: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 THRESHOLd 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.05 * Score stars only above 50 MeV |
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