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All Fluka releases have a numbering scheme like: Fluka<major revision>.<minor revision&ht;<patch level>(.respin) *
,where <major revision> is usually the year that major revision has been developed, <minor revision> is a number like 1,2,..., and the patch level is a letter like b,c,... . top directory: fluka2021.manual manual, ascii version FM.pdf manual, pdf version CERN-2005-10.pdf official reference libflukahp.a compiled library with all Fluka routines example.inp example input in various formats exfixed.inp exmixed.inp random.dat random number seed sigmapi.bin datafiles elasct.bin neuxsc-ind_72.bin neuxsc-ind_260.bin nuclear.bin fluodt.dat brems_fin.bin gxsect.bin cohff.bin e6r1nds3.fyi jef2.fyi jendl3.fyi xnloan.dat nunstab.data sidae.dat sidan.dat sidap.dat sidapi.dat grv98lof.grid grv98lo.grid grv98nld.grid grv98nlf.grid grv98nlm.grid flutil/ lfluka script to link Fluka (contains help) or auxiliary programs ldpmqmd script to link Fluka with RQMD-2.4 and DPMJET-3 ldpm2qmd script to link Fluka with RQMD-2.4 and DPMJET-2.53 rfluka script to run Fluka (contains help) fff script to compile single routines ustsuw.f program to sum data files from USRTRACK option and compute statistics usxsuw.f program to sum data files from USRBDX option and compute statistics usysuw.f program to sum data files from USRYIELD option and compute statistics usbsuw.f program to sum data files from USRBIN option and compute statistics usrsuw.f program to sum data files from RESNUCLE option and compute statistics usrsuwev.f program to sum data files from RESNUCLE option, compute statistics, and evolve for given irradiation and decay times the radioactive inventory flukapro/ all Fluka include files usermvax/ fortran user routines Usage notes:to change the user routines and link : user routines are for source definition, biasing and scoring purposes (see the manual for details) all user routines contains some parts that cannot be changed (mainly include directives). They must be linked with flukapro/ include files and with static option. The flutil/fff script makes this authomatically. User routines can be either inserted in the libflukahp library (strongly discouraged) or linked as standalone obj files or inserted in a user library flutil/lfluka links from libflukahp and optional obj files if no -m (main) option is given, it can be used to link different programs. To link the default run excutable issue: flutil/lfluka -m fluka lfluka -h explains input parameters. ***>>> all script files contain a top directory definition (FTOP) that must be properly set before usage. For most of them it suffices that the user defines an environmental variable FLUPRO pointing to the directory where the distribution tar file has been opened *** to run Fluka the flutil/rfluka script creates a work subdirectory to run Fluka, sets the appropriate logical links, and runs the program for a user-defined numbers of runs, each time writing the last random seed of the run, to be used as first seed by the next run, and copying back the output files to the parent directory. output and data files will have names of the form <input><run number>.out and <input><run number>_<data file name> where <data file name > is the one specified in the OPEN card of the input file (mandatory on HPUX-9, optional on VMS, Linux, Compaq TrueUnix, IBM/AIX and HPUX-10 where a default for###, fort.### or ftn### unit is opened) rfluka -h explains input parameters. *** before running : if the electromagnetic part is swiched on , a "pemf file" is no longer required. Look at the release-notes and the manual for further details *** after : auxiliary programs are needed to read, sum and analyze binary or formatted data files. An example is provided for binary USRTRACK, USRBDX, USRYIELD, USRBIN and RESNUCLE data file. I.e. program ustsuw creates a binary sum file <output file> an ascii summary file <output file>_sum.lis, and an ascii compact file suitable for further automatic processing <output file>_tab.lis Last updated: 18th of May, 2021 |
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