Re: USRYIELD binary output

From: Konstantin Batkov (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2006 - 09:32:37 CET

  • Next message: Alfredo Ferrari: "RE: USRYIELD binary output"

    Hi Kerry,

    Nice to hear from you!
    Maybe you are missing something, because I have written the same routine
    according to the FLUKA manual, and it works fine. I think the best way to
    explain how to read it is to show the source code which is attached to this
    message. The program requires the ROOT libraries to be installed. Type
    maketo compile it and then read_usryield
    usryield_output.bin to obtain the .root file with all histograms. This code
    is not perfect and probably cannot read all possible USRYIELD outputs (I did
    not check it), but at least it reads fine USRYIELD output produced by these
    lines in the input file:

    > USRYIELD 105.0 ALL-CHAR -77.0 2.0 37.0 1.0
    > EtaLab
    > USRYIELD 20.0 -20.0 40.0 300.0 0.0 3.0 &

    Actually, I also have C++ routines to read EVENTDAT, USRBIN and
    $FLUTIL/usbrea.f outputs. I do not know if they work for all possible
    outputs, but at least they work for my own needs. Please let me know if
    somebody is of interest to see and improve the source code.


  • Next message: Alfredo Ferrari: "RE: USRYIELD binary output"

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