Re: max number of voxels

From: paola sala (
Date: Thu Apr 05 2007 - 10:18:54 CEST

  • Next message: paola sala: "Re: Kinks in neutron momentum distribution"


    there is no fixed limit for the number of voxels, BUT
    there is a limit given by memory:
    FLUKA stores all initialization and scoring data in an
    indexed blank common. At present this common is set to a
    dimension of 200MB. Since each voxel needs an integer*2 storage,

    if all the memory could be used for the voxels ( that is never true) the
    max n. of voxels would be 100 million.

    In practice, the max. number will depend on the problem : n. of
    materials, binning structures etc. The program stops with an error
    message if the memory limit is exceeded.

    In case you really need 400 million voxels, the program should be
    re-compiled with a much larger memory limit. This could bring to a
    severe loss of computing efficiency if the computer does not have enough
    physical memory... let me know

    On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 18:01 -0400, Valery Taranenko wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I would like to input 400 million voxel phantom into Fluka (these are
    > 1-mm voxels).
    > I could not find in the manual any limitations associated with the
    > maximum voxel number.
    > The number of organs is below 100.
    > Thank you.
    > Regards,
    > Valery Taranenko, Ph.D.
    > Postdoc Research Associate, RPI,
    > Troy, NY

  • Next message: paola sala: "Re: Kinks in neutron momentum distribution"

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