From: Rollet Sofia (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2007 - 16:16:41 CEST
Since my previous mail was hardly readable, I am sending again my question
to the discussion list. (Our official mail has a predefined HTML format
which usually looks quite normal but sometimes has unpleasant results with
mailers different from windows. I am now sending it as plain text, as I
would prefer to do by default if not for some unavoidable superior rules).
I apologize for this.
Dear FLUKA Team and users,
Is there any possibility/interest to use FLUKA to simulate the
distribution of a positron-emitting radioisotope, such as 18F, in small
leaving animals and comparing it with a micro-PET scan?
I saw the interesting work done by Parodi, Ferrari, Sommerer and Paganetti
to calculate the dose and positron emitter distributions in proton
therapy, mainly with 11C and 15O but I couldn't find anything else with
radionuclide tracers. From this work, I saw that it is possible to compute
the positron emitter distribution using the RESNUCLEi or combining the
proton fluence with the cross-sections. I suppose it is impossible to use
FLUKA to simulate the bio-kinetics but it should be possible calculated
the electron-positron distribution assuming the radionuclide concentration
in a certain region, but I wonder if this can be of any interest.
As some of you know, I am using FLUKA since many, many years for a variety
of application but I never worked with PET. Since here in Seibersdorf
another group is producing radiopharmaceuticals and using them to study
bio-kinetics ( I have
been asked to investigate the possibility to compare their measurements
with simulation. I wonder if some of you already did a similar work and
can give me some references and/or there is any interest in such a
comparison or collaboration.
Thank you in advance for any reply and suggestion.
Best regards,
Sofia Rollet
Sofia Rollet
Radiation Safety and Applications
Risk and Safety
Austrian Research Centers GmbH -ARC
A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria
Phone:? +43 (0)50550 - 2482
Fax:??? ? +43 (0)50550 - 2502
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