Re: Cygwin

From: Vasilis Vlachoudis (
Date: Fri Aug 31 2007 - 10:19:47 CEST

  • Next message: Rollet Sofia: "VMware and feedback"

    Dear Adalberto,

    is not possible to use the linux version under cygwin, the libraries are
    not compatible. You will have to compile all the source code of FLUKA
    under cygwin in order to make work. Currently there is work going on, on
    this topic to have a release that is benchmarked and properly runs on

    Best Regards
    Vasilis Vlachoudis

    Adalberto Sciubba wrote:
    > I would like to run FLUKA under Cygwin.
    > If I use the UNIX version:
    > " The latest version is: 2006.3b.5
    > respin (July 25th 2007) of
    > Fluka2006.3b patch release (March 2007) released on: March 22nd 2007
    > for Fluka2006.3 (september
    > 2006) "
    > the executable flukahp is not created: the command
    > $FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -m fluka produces
    > $FLUPRO = /fluka
    > ar x /fluka/libflukahp.a fluka.o
    > g77 -O3 -g -mcpu=pentiumpro -fexpensive-optimizations -funroll-loops
    > -fstrength-reduce -Wall -fno-automatic -fno-silent -m32
    > -ffortran-bounds-check -I/fluka/flukapro -v -o flukahp -Xlinker -Map
    > -Xlinker fluka.o -L/fluka -lflukahp
    > which is followed by a huge list of errors due to undefined references
    > to:
    > do_lio
    > do_uio
    > e_wsle
    > e_wsfe
    > e_wsfi
    > s_wsfi s_wsle
    > s_copy ...
    > where am I wrong?
    > Adalberto

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