From: Rollet Sofia (
Date: Fri Aug 31 2007 - 12:15:36 CEST
Dear all,
here in Seibersdorf we do not use cygwin but we use on all our windows desktops and laptops VMware with ScientificLinux. Since SciLinux has already most of the things FLUKA, Flair and FlukaGUI need (CERN libraries, Root etc), it is quite easy to set up everything and all of them work perfectly well (even if slower then on Linux PC). VMware-player is available free of charge.
Since I am here, I add a feedback:
One of our students, who never used FLUKA before, was able to write a simple input, run it and plot the results in less then 1 and a half month. This include the time to set up her desktop with VMware, install FLUKA, learn Flair and use it to write the input and plots the output (somewhat more complex then the example included in flair). She also installed flukaGUI to check which material belongs to a region (which, unfortunately, is not possible to do with flair) when she had some problem with the geometry. So, in all in all, it seems that the new FLUKA distribution is much easier to handle than the old one (unless we want to admit that the new students are cleverer?) and I thank you all for the huge effort you put in it.
Best regards,
Sofia Rollet
Sofia Rollet
Radiation Safety and Applications
Risk and Safety
Austrian Research Centers GmbH -ARC
A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)50550 - 2482
Fax: +43 (0)50550 - 2502
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