Re: energy conservation

From: Konstantin Batkov (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2007 - 18:02:07 CEST

  • Next message: Alberto Fasso': "Re: Synchrotron Spectrum"

    Hi Paola,

    Thank you for this explanation. I would also like to make clear the case of
    the KINETIC energy.
    My question is: Is it correct to calculate the sum of the kinetic energy of
    secondaries using this code in mgdraw.f?
          if (MREG.eq.3 .and .NEWREG.eq.2) then
             sum = sum + ETRACK - AM(JTRACK)
          end if

    My problem is that I am studying different functions of energy/polar angles
    of different secondaries using many different cuts, so I just can't utilize
    the built-in facilities of FLUKA.

    Thank you,


    2007/9/12, Paola Sala <>:
    > Hi
    > If you compare total energies, you have to take into account also
    > the total energy of the target nucleus in the initial state, and the
    > total energy of the nuclear fragments in the final state, including the
    > residual nucleus that will NOT exit from the target. This is indeed
    > what fluka checks internally at each interaction.
    > for instance, if you take a reaction like
    > n,A --> 2n,A'
    > where A=(A,Z) is the target nucleus and A'==(A-1,Z) is the residual
    > nucleus, if you count only the exiting particles the balance will be
    > 1 GeV in input ( few MeV kinetic energy are enough)
    > 2 GeV in output (twice the neutron mass)
    > Of course this is balanced by the mass difference between the target
    > and residual nuclei ( I leave out binding energies....)
    > even more striking : in a neutrino quasielastic interaction
    > a few MeV projectile will give you a 1 GeV nucleon in the final state.
    > Ciao
    > Paola

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