Question for setting USRBIN energy threshold

From: Jason Crawford (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2007 - 23:07:32 CEST

  • Next message: Giuseppe Battistoni: "Re: ASSIGNMA command for the case of the free format region input"

    Hello, I have had some difficulty using the FLUKA-discussion board so I
    am posting these questions again. My questions are likely very simple
    for an experienced FLUKA user.

    I am using the USRBIN to calculate neutron fluence (mapped in bins) in
    an area surrounding my detector, and I would like to know what, if any,
    are the limits on maximum/minimum energy of the neutrons being counted?
    In other words, if there are energy thresholds for this detector, what
    are they and how can I change them? If not, how can I set the
    mimimum/maximum neutron energies I wish to detect? I have tried using
    the PART-THRes card to set a maximum energy, but this had no effect on
    my results. I am also unclear as to how low energy neutron transport
    ties in to this. For no threshold, I believe my input and simulation
    calculations are correct. I would greatly appreciate any advice as to
    how I should proceed.

    Thank you,

    Jason Crawford

  • Next message: Giuseppe Battistoni: "Re: ASSIGNMA command for the case of the free format region input"

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