Re: get particle momenta and coordinates

From: Vadim Talanov (
Date: Tue Oct 16 2007 - 09:14:18 CEST

  • Next message: Giuseppe Battistoni: "Using Names inside User routines"

    Dear Vitaly,

    yes, you can do this in the MGDRAW routine (available as mgdraw.f in the
    /usermvax directory of FLUKA installation).

    At the BXDRAW entry of MGDRAW you have the MREG and NEWREG values for the FLUKA
    geometry regions from and where to the particle track goes that should be enough
    to record the particle information at the desired location. Most probably all
    information about a particle track that you will need is in the (TRACKR) common.

    By the way, this e-mail inspires other question, following the recent discussion
    how to use the names of FLUKA regions:

    Can one use the region name instead of the region number also in MGDRAW and
    other user routines, in the same manner as it can be used now in the FLUKA input?

    Kind regards, Vadim

    Vitaly Pronskikh wrote:
    > Dear FLUKA experts and users,
    > could you please suggest how to obtain momenta and coordinates of particles
    > entering a volume.
    > Is it possible to do that using standard estimators, or one should write own
    > subroutine (which) instead? Maybe this question has already been discussed,
    > there and there are any examples?
    > Many thanks for any response in advance,
    > Vitaly

  • Next message: Giuseppe Battistoni: "Using Names inside User routines"

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