[fluka-discuss]: Stange energy depositions in MGDRAW

From: Alice Coffani <coffani_at_llr.in2p3.fr>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 11:21:06 +0100

Dear all,

I running a simulation of cosmic muons passing inside a cylinder of
water, I am checking results in a fiducial volume which is a smaller
cylinder contained inside the cilynder of water. I need to record the
energy deposited at each step, the entry/exit point of the muon in this
fiducial volume. To do this I wrote the part of the code I copied here
inside the mgdraw.f routine in the MGDRAW part. In most of the cases the
entry and exit point, meaning for me the position of the first track of
energy deposition, are on the surface on the fiducial volume, which is
what I am expecting since the muons are crossing this area. However
sometimes I found that the first X,Y and Ztrack are inside the area,
even close to the center, not on the surface. In these rare cases the
muons does not seem to have a stright track too. Is there something I am
not understaning? Any idea would be very appreciated.

Thanks a lot.



       IF (JTRACK .EQ. 11) THEN
*  | NCASE is the number of primary mu, here: if the primary is the same
        IF(NCASE .EQ. prevNCASE) THEN
         IF (MREG .EQ. 5) THEN
          IF ( Ntrack .gt. 0 .AND. Mtrack .gt. 0 ) THEN
              nstep = nstep + 1
              dEdx = Dtrack (1) / Ttrack (1)
              dE(nstep)= dEdx
              z(nstep)= Ztrack(1)
              x(nstep)= Xtrack(1)
              y(nstep)= Ytrack(1)
              prevEtrack = Etrack
           END IF
          END IF
*  | If starting a new event, new NCASE
          IF(nstep .gt.0) THEN

             lastx =x(nstep)
             lasty =y(nstep)
             lastz =z(nstep)
             firstx =x(1)
             firsty =y(1)
             firstz =z(1)
             write(39,*)  "#Muon!"
             write(39,*)  prevNCASE, prevEtrack,
      & firstx, firsty, firstz, lastx, lasty, lastz
         END IF
*  | Initialise our variables at each primary muon
            dE = 0.0
            z = 0.0
            x = 0.0
            y = 0.0
            nstep = 0
            prevEtrack = 0.0
            prevCztrck = 0.0
            prevNCASE = NCASE
        END IF
       END IF
*  |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------*

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