Fluka2011.2.5 released (respin of Fluka2011.2)

From: Alfredo Ferrari <alfredo.ferrari_at_cern.ch>
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 18:05:54 +0200

Dear Fluka users

the fluka2011.2.5 respin has been pushed to the Fluka website.
It is a bug fix respin which addresses the following issues:

a) a problem when running Flair using the gfortran version (crash in
    parse.f) is fixed
b) a problem when using the QUA geometric body to describe
    hyperboloid-like shapes is fixed
c) the region-dependent group cut-off for low energy neutrons is now
    strictly enforced, eg at the boundaries in case of neighboring regions
    with different cutoffs
d) the energy scored in the USRTRACK estimators for e+/e- is now the
    average one of the step (before it was the end step one), in order
    to make it consistent with what is scored for charged hadrons and
e) a couple of rare random number non-reproducibility issues have
    solved in Fluka and rQMD

All users are urged to update to this respin. Since there is no change in
physics, only bug corrections, updating is harmless, or better it is
critical if you were touched by one of these issues. Anyway, because of
issues c) and e), the random number sequences could be different, hence
debugging/help/fixing will be provided from now on only for this respin.

The solution of b) required changes to one common block, hence recompiling
of possible user routines is recommended.

As usual, please report to fluka-discuss whichever problem you are

                     Have fun
                 The FLUKA developers
Received on Thu Sep 08 2011 - 10:46:39 CEST

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