Low Material

From: Mohammad Islam <rafiqul.islam_at_okstate.edu>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 11:46:22 -0500

Dear FLUKA experts

I am a beginner to fluka. I am trying to measure neutron dose equivalent
for different proton energy from a simplified snout configuration. The
snout is composed of brass and stainless steel.

My question: To set the correspondence between brass (or Stainless steel)
with low energy neutron cross sections, do I need to use LOW-MAT card. I
used Brass and stainless steel in the input from material option using
FLAIR. Since Brass or Stainless steel does not fall in the category of
predefined fluka material, I believe I need to use LOW-MAT card but I am
not sure though.

I appreciate your support.

Mohammad Rafiqul Islam
Radiation Physics Lab
Oklahoma State University
Received on Wed Mar 21 2012 - 09:23:24 CET

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