RE: AW: question on USRBDX/USRTRACK results

From: Anton Lechner <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2012 12:20:56 +0200

Dear Olaf,
A possibility to suppress the scoring of neutrons when employing fluence, current
or yield scorings (e.g. USRBDX with ALL-NEUT as in your case) is the use of the
FLUSCW user routine. Assuming you have a USRBDX defined with output unit -25,
then include following lines in FLUSCW:

          LSCZER =.TRUE.
          LSCZER =.FALSE.
       END IF

Don't forget to insert the USERWEIG card with appropriate parameters in your input
file (e.g. with WHAT(3) set to 3.0) otherwise FLUSCW is not called. Note that if you
have other USRBDX scorings on the same output unit and you don't want the above
logic to be applied to these, you can alternatively filter by the scoring name:

       IF(IJ.EQ.8.AND.TITUSX(JSCRNG)(1:4).EQ."bdx4") THEN ...

(assuming that the scoring name is "bdx4").

Similiarly, if you employ USRBIN for energy deposition scoring, you can suppress
neutron scoring by means of the COMSCW routine (you have to exchange
IPUSBX/ TITUSX with their USRBIN equivalent). COMSCW is activated by
setting WHAT(6) of USERWEIG >0.0.

Cheers, Anton
Received on Sun Jul 01 2012 - 13:02:44 CEST

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