Re: [fluka-discuss]: how to simulation high energy neutron?

From: sarchia <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:11:30 +0200

Il 16/09/2013 09:24, ÕÔÏþÀ¤ ha scritto:
> Dear FLUKA users,
> Hello
> I have already written a piece of code to simulate the low energy neutron(<20MeV). In my code, I set all my card to match the low energy neutron. For example,giving the DEFAULTS cards "PRECISIO" option to activate low energy neutron transport and establishing the correspondence between Fluka materials and low-energy neutron cross sections.
> Now, I want to set the neutron a higher energy ,like 100MeV,500MeV and 1GeV. Since the FLUKA user guide doesn't mention the high energy neutron,I don't kown what to do.
> Should I change my previous code?
> If the previous code do not apply, what should I do?
> Thanks for your help!
> Xiaokun Zhao

Dear Xiaokun,

I think the input file you are describing will successfully handle high
energy neutrons. Anyway, If you provide the input file I can have a
quick check and tell you for sure if neutron transport will be limited
by any other card.

Received on Thu Sep 19 2013 - 11:04:44 CEST

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