[fluka-discuss]: How to handle neutral kaons?

From: Joseph Comfort <Joseph.Comfort_at_asu.edu>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 19:42:44 -0700 (MST)

I need clarification from the experts on a number of issues regarding
neutral kaons.

1) What is the status of treating KShort regeneration? (Asked before.)
In a simple test, I ran 1 million 1-GeV/c K0L into a 5-cm-thick copper
target (after 2000 cm of vacuum). No K0S's were produced.

Looking at the source, it appears that K0 and K0bar are produced in
interactions and propagated. Few K0S or K0L are produced. In my case,
a beam passes through several vacuum windows and is constrained by
2) Is there conversion from K0/K0bar to K0S/K0L in materials?

3) At the end of the beam line, I want to have a K0L beam to use as input
to a detector. But the entities are mostly K0/K0bar. What must be done
to convert these to K0L (and K0S) particles?

4) The beam-line simulations are done is stages, with particle and
kinematics output from one stage used as input to the next stage. What
must be done to ensure a sensible transition? Do the Kshort and Klong
amplitudes have to transmitted along with the kinematics (through hbook or
root files)?

Note: In the past, I summed all neutral kaon output particles together and
called them K0L, which was used for the next stage. It seemed to work
well, with excellent agreement between Fluka and the measured flux. I am
questioning this procedure here. It may not be accurate, but maybe it is
sensibly close.

Thank you.
Joe Comfort
Received on Sun Mar 02 2014 - 04:44:32 CET

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