Dear Yuni,
I'm not aware of any tool distributed with FLUKA/flair which allow you to
do what request.
I would personally do it via an external script (once the simulations of
energy are merged).
You have the sources of the tools *usbsuw.f* and the specification about
how the *USRBIN* are read/written is available both in the source code and
in the manual.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 5:43 AM, 汪金龙 <> wrote:
> Dear Vasilis and fluka experts:
> I use USRBIN to score dose-eq, the beam has several energies for
> exmaple E1 E2, and I get some **fort.24 files for each energy after several
> simulaitons. My question is how to merge these fort files into one
> **24.bnn file with weight according to different energy?
> Thanks
> yuni
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Received on Wed Apr 22 2015 - 02:21:21 CEST