Re: [fluka-discuss]: How to define an radioactive Isotope as source

From: Mikhail Polkovnikov <Михаил Полковников> <>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 09:11:25 +0300

On 23.04.2015 19:08, Alexander Götzelmann wrote:
> Dear FLUKA-Experts,
> I'm an absolute FLUKA-beginner. I already worked the FLUKA-Course and
> read the specific FLUKA-threads, but I still have some questions.
> My Simulation object is an container for radioactive waste. The waste
> is composed of several radioctive isotopes. The divergence type of the
> beam is isotropic.
> I'm just interested in the dose rate (caused only by prompt
> gamma-radiation. Dose rate caused by secondaries like electrons or
> positrons can be disregarded) in 1 m distance from the container.
> So my question is: *how can I define the source consisting of one
> radioactive isotope* (let's say CO-60). As suggested in the
> FLUKA-Course I set SDUM = Isotope of the BEAM-Card and HI-PROP with
> A,Z-Settings and the RADDECAY in Semi-Analogue mode.
> But the Manual says, that the RADDECAY-Card "requests simulation of
> decay of produced radioactive nuclides and allows to modify biasing
> and transport thresholds (defined with other cards) for the transport
> of decay radiation"[FLUKA-Manual].
> But I'm not interested in the decay of produced radioactive nuclides.
> I just want to simulate a radioactive isotope as source.
> In Addition, I want to respect the intensity of the isotope. By
> setting the IRRPROFI-Card I can define the intensity. But does this
> Card workes in Semi-Analogue mode (without DCYTIMES-Card).
> Do I have an error in reasoning ?
> I would appreciate, if somebody can help me.
> P.S.:
> *Is EM-CASCA the appropriate default for my problem?*
> Thank you,
> Alexander
> Activation
Dear Alexander,

If you don't interested in biasing during decay or change transport
parameters of radiation products, just use default RADDECAY card.

In Semi-Analogue mode the intensity in IRRPROFI card is ignored and
irradiation profile applied to radioactive products only.

Please look on these slides,
they much more informative in case of radioactivity description.

Here is a rough example in attachment.

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