[fluka-discuss]: RE: beam dump geometry in contour plot

From: Zafar Yasin <Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 07:09:34 +0000

Dear Luigi,

Thanks. You mean file is not running due to beam is not striking at the dump center? I tried
different options for beam direction, including yours:

BEAMPOS 244. 0.0 -244.-.70710678 with WHAT(5) = 0.

to see if direction is the reason for not running the code, but again it don't run. Yes you are right with the USRBIN plot I will correct the direction of beam, if it is not ok, I can only see direction if it works?


From: Luigi Salvatore Esposito
Sent: 28 May 2015 00:40
To: Zafar Yasin
Cc: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: Re: beam dump geometry in contour plot

Dear Zafar,
not sure if I correctly understood your email, but as the axis of your dump lies on the XZ plane,
your beam definition is not correct.
I guess you want to use
BEAMPOS 244. 0.0 -244.-.70710678 with WHAT(5) = 0.
Even in this case the beam is not impinging in the middle of the dump.
You can convince yourself where the beam is shot by using a USRBIN with BEAMPART.

On 27 May 2015, at 15:56, Zafar Yasin <Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch<mailto:Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch>> wrote:

Dear Luigi,

Thank you so much, I can now see my dump geometry in the contour plot.

At equal angle mean as written in the manual at i.e taking all three Hx, Hy and Hz. I have inverted my beam dump with Hy equal to zero.
But now it seems that it don't work or else. During run it don't give any error, no error while plotting the geometry and nor Time Out error.
 While running it shows only brown line and no green line appears, it seems as it hangs. I run it at two different machines and same thing happens while other
files are running well. I have attached my input file, if you can please have a little look on it.

Best regards,

From: Luigi Salvatore Esposito
Sent: 27 May 2015 12:09
To: Zafar Yasin
Cc: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org<mailto:fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>
Subject: Re: [fluka-discuss]:

Dear Zafar,
if you make a projection on a plane (let’s say XZ, as it looks like from your plot), Flair automatically uses a cut of the geometry that corresponds to the central bin
of the USRBIN along that projection.
And, as your USRBINs are not symmetric with respect to the plane where the dump lies, the cut of the geometry superimposed in the plot does not correspond to the plane Y = 0,
but to Y=150 cm.
A possibility would be to superimpose a geometry plot created previously. Another possibility is to selected the appropriated slice, on which the dump lies.
For sake of clarity, both options are highlighted in the attached snapshot.
N.B. Keep in mind that selecting a slice of the USRBIN bin or making a projection (i.e. an average) has a substantially different meaning.

In order to complement my answer to the definition of the RCC, I will assume that your geometry sketch shows a top view, that I define as XZ plane.
In that case Hy is equal to zero, while Hx and Hz are to be computed from your layout. But I do not understand what you mean by “at an equal angle”.



On 26 May 2015, at 13:09, Zafar Yasin <Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch<mailto:Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch>> wrote:

Dear Luigi,

Thank you for your prompt reply. Please see attached my original input file and a rough changed at an angle. My beam dump
is in the plane I am plotting and it is visible when I plot it with limited dimensions, excluding room and walls.

My revised beam dump is in one corner at the bottom of a room and is inclined at an angle and beam is at the opposite corner at the top (
as shown in the attached diagram , blue portion is beam dump, sandwiched in the concrete in brown color).
I think I need to include Hx, Hy, Hz, at an equal angle, to describe exact position of dump?

Best regards,

From: Luigi Salvatore Esposito
Sent: 26 May 2015 10:41
To: Zafar Yasin
Cc: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org<mailto:fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>
Subject: Re: [fluka-discuss]:

Dear Zafar,

about your first point, for sure it is possible to draw the boundaries of the target in the plot, provided that the target lies in the plane you are plotting.
If you post you input file, we could make a check.

Concerning the second point, I can suggest you two possibilities:
1) you can define an RCC with any possible orientation (see manual section As an example
RCC cyl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -70.71067811865 70.710678118655 50.
is a cylinder 100 cm long and of 50 cm radius, rotated by 45 degrees around the x-axis

2) use the directive “start_transform”, refer to the manual section

Best regards,


On 26 May 2015, at 09:24, Zafar Yasin <Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch<mailto:Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch>> wrote:

Dear FLUKA experts and users,

I have two simple points to clarify which I am not tracing out.

Firstly, I have an electron beam dump in a room and I want to see dose rate around the beam dump and
around the walls. In the dose rate contour plots, one is attached with this email, I am seeing the boundaries'/dimensions
 of the wall and not seeing the boundaries/dimensions of the beam dump, although the beam dump is not so small, about
50 cm radius and 100 cm long. I have seen a few presentations , like from Anna Ferrari, etc where they have same type of
plots and dimensions can be clearly seen. How can I improve my contour plots?

Secondly, I am using RCC to define cylinders along z-axis , etc. If cylinders are not along z-axis but making an angle say 45
degree with z-axis then can it is possible using RCC or any other option to rotate cylinders? Similar is the case for beam direction,
 at 45 degree angle with z-axis.

If any body can comment on these, thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Zafar Yasin


<Ian11.inp><Ianxy1.inp><(531222116) dump+room.pdf>


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