Re: [fluka-discuss]: EVENTBIN OUTPUT readout

From: Mikhail Polkovnikov <>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 13:55:12 +0300

On 01.09.2015 12:15, YANG Tao wrote:
> Dear Mikhail,
> Thanks for your suggestion, the problem is going to be solved under
> your help. The first three columns are nxbin, nybin, nzbin, as shown
> below, the first line "10 10 1 0.00204809173", but where is the
> origin ID (0,0,0)? Does it mean the coordinate is
> (10*nxbin,10*nybin,1*nzbin)? Or the No. of x intervals is numbered
> from the minim x coordinate value? I don't find the numbering
> strategy of the cell ID.
> 10 10 1 0.00204809173
> 10 11 1 0.00217934861
> 10 10 2 0.000723655685
> 11 10 2 0.00176233263
> 10 11 2 0.00191097055
> 11 10 3 0.00438322034
> 11 10 4 0.00501045724
> 11 10 5 0.00506131118
> 10 10 6 0.00272820261
> nxbin = number of x (r for RZ) intervals nybin = number of y (1 for
> RZ) intervals nzbin = number of z intervals.
> -----原始邮件-----
> *发件人:* "Mikhail Polkovnikov <Михаил Полковников>" <>
> *发送时间:* 2015年9月1日 星期二
> *收件人:* "YANG Tao" <>, ""
> <>
> *抄送:*
> *主题:* Re: [fluka-discuss]: EVENTBIN OUTPUT readout
> Dear YANG Tao,
> On 01.09.2015 05:59, YANG Tao wrote:
>> *Q1*:As shown in the attachment "binout.bmp", the results of the
>> output are printed on the screen. When I am prompted to input a
>> file name, I input the file name "**_fort.21", the results print
>> immediately, but I am not prompted to save the output into a new
>> file as the USBREA (readout of USRBIN) does. So what should be
>> added to the "readbin.f" code to save the output to a new file?
> 1. Easy way is just redirect all the standard linux output into
> another file, e.g. "./readbin > output.txt". After executing such
> command just input an eventbin file name and all the output will
> be redirected.
> 2. Hard way if you need specific output data is to open another
> file in readBIN.f and write data into this new file.
> E.g.
> OPEN ( UNIT=80, FILE='output.txt', STATUS='OLD',
> .....
> WRITE( 80, *) 'MY DATA'
> .....
> CLOSE(80)
>> *Q2*:As shown in the attachment "binout.bmp", the first three
>> columns of an event out is the hit position ( Data follow in a
>> matrix A(ix,iy,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))). The number
>> may relate to the cell no. How can I know the concrete hit position?
> Because your EVENTBINs are "Non-Zero Cells" the part of the code
> which does majority of the output is:
> NDIM (1) = NXBIN (NB)
> NDIM (2) = NYBIN (NB)
> NDIM (3) = NZBIN (NB)
> c this is COOLER and FASTER (by Vasilis)
> WRITE(*,*) (IDIM(I),I=1,3), GMHELP(J)
> WRITE(*,*) 'NumHits in this event : ',NUMHITS
> WRITE(*,*) 'Edep in this event (GeV) : ',ETOT
> WRITE(*,*)
> WRITE(*,*) '===== ALL NON ZERO CELLS ARE READ ====='
> WRITE(*,*)
> The line "WRITE(*,*) (IDIM(I),I=1,3), GMHELP(J)" prints out the
> cells ID and energy like X, Y, Z, ENERGY.
> Variables responsible for coordinates in phase space are:
> (description taken from usrsuw.f in flutil directory).
> * nxbin = number of x (r for RZ)
> intervals *
> * nybin = number of y (1 for RZ)
> intervals *
> * nzbin = number of z
> intervals *
> * xlow/high = minimum and maximum x (r for
> R-Phi-Z) *
> * ylow/high = minimum and maximum y (phi for
> R-Phi-Z) *
> * zlow/high = minimum and maximum
> z *
> * dxusbn = x (r) bin
> width *
> * dyusbn = y bin
> width *
> * dzusbn = z bin
> width *
> So XLOW(NB), XHIGH(NB) are minimum and maximum X coordinates in cm
> of the EVENTBIN, and so on. I think that would help you a little bit.
> Best regards,
> Mkhail
Dear YANG Tao,

I think minimum and maximum coordinates of the cell should me calculated as:

C minimum and maximum X,Y,Z position
C coordinates of the current cell in cm

       XMIN = (IDIM(1) - 1) * DXUSBN(NB) + XLOW(NB)
       XMAX = IDIM(1) * DXUSBN(NB) + XLOW(NB)

       YMIN = (IDIM(2) - 1) * DXUSBN(NB) + YLOW(NB)
       YMAX = IDIM(2) * DXUSBN(NB) + YLOW(NB)

       ZMIN = (IDIM(3) - 1) * DXUSBN(NB) + ZLOW(NB)
       ZMAX = IDIM(3) * DXUSBN(NB) + ZLOW(NB)

Best regards,

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