Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.0, April 30th 2024
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flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- New Fluka Major Release
( 06.05.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.0 is available.
Flair-2.3-0epy3 adapted

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The typical job requires the calculation of high energy muon transportation through a depth of water of the order of few km. Muons should be considered at different energies and angles. For simplicity we shall consider particles at normal incidence with respect to the water surface. The muon beam can be point-like in cross section, and the energy can vary between few hundreds of GeV to many TeV's.

It can be considered convenient, also for book-keeping purposes, to steer the primary (muon) properties by means of the BEAM and BEAMPOS cards, performing different, separated, runs according to the muon energy and angle. This way there is no need to prepare a user specific source code (namely adapting the SOURCE routine contained in the source.f file).

In view of the design of the geometry description, we can also choose the default propagation of primary particles along the positive Z axis.

Giuseppe Battistoni; INFN, Milano
Francesco Cerutti; CERN, Geneva

Last updated: 10th of December, 2008

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