From: Îäìõ (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 21:35:26 CET
Dear fluka user,
The attachment is my input file. In my mind, the result got by USRBIN and USRTRACK is the same(multiply the energy binning). Actually, the results of 15MTgt.inp are matched, but the results of 15MDtc.inp are unmatched. Is there any error in my file?
Thanks a lot
Note: In 15MDtc.inp, if the Region 3 is vacuum, the USRTRACK result is 1(multiply the energy binning), but the USRBIN is 0.
Zhen Wu
The result of 15MTgt.inp
Track n. 1 "photon " , generalized particle n. 7, region n. 5
detector volume: 1.0000E+00 cm**3
linear energy binning from 0.0000E+00 to 1.5000E-02 GeV, 1 bins ( 1.5000E-02 GeV wide)
Data follow in a vector A(ie), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))
Cartesian binning n. 1 "photon " , generalized particle n. 7
X coordinate: from -5.0000E-01 to 5.0000E-01 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
Y coordinate: from -5.0000E-01 to 5.0000E-01 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
Z coordinate: from 0.0000E+00 to 1.0000E+00 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
Data follow in a matrix A(ix,iy,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))
accurate deposition along the tracks requested
this is a track-length binning
The result of 15MDtc.inp:
Track n. 1 "photon " , generalized particle n. 7, region n. 4
detector volume: 1.0000E+00 cm**3
linear energy binning from 0.0000E+00 to 1.5000E-02 GeV, 1 bins ( 1.5000E-02 GeV wide)
Data follow in a vector A(ie), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))
Cartesian binning n. 1 "photon " , generalized particle n. 7
X coordinate: from -5.0000E-01 to 5.0000E-01 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
Y coordinate: from -5.0000E-01 to 5.0000E-01 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
Z coordinate: from 0.0000E+00 to 1.0000E+00 cm, 1 bins ( 1.0000E+00 cm wide)
Data follow in a matrix A(ix,iy,iz), format (1(5x,1p,10(1x,e11.4)))
accurate deposition along the tracks requested
this is a track-length binning
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