From: Georgios Tsiledakis (
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 14:53:30 CEST
Dear all,
I have just downloaded the latest version of FLUKA (flukalinuxAA.tar).
When I run the same input file I was using with success during the
previous FLUKA release,...,despite the fact that I have modified all
the scoring routines according to the newest versions, I had an error...
The .out file finishes as following:
***** Neutron Xsec: ****
**** Group limits, average energies, velocities ....
*** Recoil proton production activated for Morse mat. # 1 ***
**** Low energy neutron xsec not found for some media 32 33 ****
Does this imply anything??
The 32, 33 are the number indexes in the MATERIAL card for 132-Xenon and
134-Xenon isotopes respectively...
I have no idea what else has changed...
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards
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