From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2005 - 19:01:37 CET
Dear experts,,
I am just starting to get to grips with FLUKA and downloaded and installed the latest version last week on my Linux Redhat system. Installation was succesful, as far as I can tell.
I have started looking at the sample problem relating to the gas bermsstralung case and have manged to get it running but have some questions relating to it, and would be grateful for any comments.
1. The peg file seems to have some curious, to my mind, energy cuts.
$INP AE=.521,UE=1500000.5211,AP=1000000.01,UP=50. $END
Why is UE set to 1500000.521 MeV when the energy of the electrons is 1500 MeV (+rest energy)? Why is AP set to 1000000.01 MeV, a very high value and greater than UP?
2. The initial electrons target in the i atmospeher gas target but would then seem to target in the steel flange and "shower" there. This would upset the reults wouln't it? How is this taken care of in the running of the problem or the analysis using USRBIN?
3. The usage notes suggest suggest that running usbsuw to analyse the unformatted output produces a formatted file by default called *_sum.lis. I cannot get usbsuw to create this file, all it seems to do is create another unformatted file. What is going on here? I have checked the fortran file usbsuw.f and there does not seem any code to write formatted output.
ANy help or suggestions would be gratefully received.
Also is there likely to be Fluka course anywhere soon. I missed the recent on in Houston?
Martin Holbourn
Radiation Protection Adviser
Daresbury Laboratory
Tel: 01925 603266
Fax: 01925 603381
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