From: Florian Sommerer (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2006 - 10:25:22 CEST
Dear Jiajin,
There is nothing wrong with your input file. I tried it on my computer and I
get an output with the expected tail.
I think you used either an obsolete version of FLUKA (the card OUTLEVEL in
your input does not exist anymore) or you used the wrong executable.
Try to create an executable with:
and run it with a command like:
$(FLUKA)/flutil/rfluka -N0 -M1 -e ./flukadpm3 carbon
(don't forget to rename your input file to carbon.inp)
Cheers, Florian
On Monday 27 March 2006 06:37, Fan, Ph.D., Jiajin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to transport carbon in a cubic water phantom and calculate depth
> dose (DD) curve in water using FLUKA. But I found my calculation curve is
> slightly different with the experiment curve. The measured curve has a tail
> which is contributed by secondary fragments. In my calculation, the DD
> curve drop down quickly after Bragg peak and has no tail at all.
> I tried 'HADROTHE' and 'PRECISIO' mode but got almost same results. Also I
> checked the manual and it seems there is no other input options maybe
> affect the transport physics.
> In attachment are my input file and depth dose curve calculated by this
> file and also the standard measured curve. I changed input file name
> 'carbon.inp' to 'carbon.f' in order to pass virus scanning system.
> So anybody knows what's wrong in the input file?
> Thank you.
> Jiajin Fan
-- Florian Sommerer CERN CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 76 75582 Fax: +41 22 76 77555
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