From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Sun Apr 16 2006 - 20:30:40 CEST
Dear Sunil
from what you say the correct lower limit is 0
A polar angle is always defined between 0 (forward direction) and
180 (backward direction).
Asking between 0 and 15 means asking to score particles produced
inside a cone around beam axis with a semi-aperture of 15 degrees.
Namely all polar angles between 0 and 15 degrees and all azimutal angles
between 0 and 360 degrees.
What you call -15 means again 15, but at an opposite azimuth
with respect to what you call +15.
A part from very special cases, FLUKA has a perfect azimuthal symmetry
in azimuth for particle production.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, Sunil C. wrote:
> Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:24:23 +0530 (IST)
> From: Sunil C. <>
> To:
> Subject: How to define angle in USRYIELD
> Hi All
> I am using USRYIELD to estimate the yield inthe forward direction for a
> thick target with the first quantity set to 24 in WHAT(1) of first card.
> What is the correct way to define the minimum angle in the
> WHAT(5) in the continuation card if I want score between -15 and +15
> degree with respect to beam direction?
> If I use minus value, I get negative answers. If I use 345, I see
> the maximum and minimum values are interchanged.
> Regards
> Sunil C
> Health Physicist
> Pelletron TIFR
> BOmbay 400005
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