Re: RADDECAY problems

From: Sebastien WURTH (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2006 - 08:44:56 CEST

  • Next message: Sebastien WURTH: "Re: raddecay problems"

    Guo Wen a écrit :

    > Dear Dr. Sebastien:
    > I've read your former mails about RADDECAY problems and just
    > install the latest version of FLUKA,it run good with RADDECAY
    > card,Thank you vary much for your help.Though,I am still puzzled on
    > the RADDECAY problems,that's,if I request three decay times, only one
    > decay time should be assigned to one detctor in one run(in one input
    > file),so I must simulate three times(three runs) for one detector at
    > three decay times,Am I right? I made tests (two runs) with 1secound
    > and six months decay time respectively,the results data were exactly
    > same,I do not what's wrong with it. I would be grateful if you could
    > give me some help( a simple example would be fine)?
    > Best regards
    > Guo Wen


    You don't have to simulate separetely for the three decay times, you
    just have to assign only one decay time to one given detector. Let's
    illustrate with an example :
    I want to know the dose rate of all particles in a given binning
    (defined by USRBIN) at six cooling times : 0 s, 1 week, 1, 2, 3 month
    and 2 years.
    I define 6 times the same binning i.e. six USRBIN cards with the very
    same parameters. The differences are the logical output units and the
    assignment of the cooling times by means of DCYSCORE. It goes like this :
    *23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
    IRRPROFILE 1814400. 6.25E13
    RADDECAY 1.0 1.0
    DCYTIMES 0. 604800. 2592000. 5184000.
    7776000. 63115200.
    1. 1. 1.USRBIN
    2. 2. 1.USRBIN
    DCYSCORE 3.0
                         3. 3. 1.USRBIN
    DCYSCORE 4.0
                         4. 4. 1.USRBIN
    5. 5. 1.USRBIN
    DCYSCORE 6.0
                         6. 6. 1.USRBIN
    *23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
    * total at the end of irradiation
    USRBIN 10. 201.
    -51. 20. 10. 20.EWT74
    USRBIN -20. -10. -20.
       50. 50. 50.&
    * total decay 1 week
    USRBIN 10. 201.
    -52. 20. 10. 20.EWT74
    USRBIN -20. -10.
    -20. 50. 50. 50.&
    * total decay 1 month
    USRBIN 10. 201.
    -53. 20. 10. 20.EWT74
    USRBIN -20. -10.
    -20. 50. 50. 50.&
    * total decay 2 month
    USRBIN 10. 201.
    -54. 20. 10. 20.EWT74
    USRBIN -20. -10.
    -20. 50. 50. 50.&
    * total decay 3 month
    USRBIN 10. 201.
    -55. 20. 10. 20.EWT74
    USRBIN -20. -10.
    -20. 50. 50. 50.&
    * total decay 2 years
    USRBIN 10. 201.
    -56. 20. 10. 20.EWT74
    USRBIN -20. -10. -20.
       50. 50. 50.&
    At the end of the simulation, I will have six output files for each
    cycle I requested : "my_input_file_name_fort.51" to
    "my_input_file_name_fort.56" which will contain the wanted results.

    Hope it helps.
    Best regards.

  • Next message: Sebastien WURTH: "Re: raddecay problems"

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