From: Norman Furlong (
Date: Thu Oct 12 2006 - 02:09:27 CEST
I'm a FLUKA newbie who's trying to learn the program by taking the
example.inp provided and changing one variable at a time.
1) I successfully changed the Be target to Pb (keeping all other variables
the same), changed the beam intensity (ditto), but failed when I tried to
replace the proton beam with deuterons. I got an unexpected zero pion
fluence. When I 'diff' the two input files, they only differ in that one
card (the PROTON changed to DEUTERON, both starting in column 71).
2) if anyone has a FLUKE deck that was used in the TARC experiment, I would
greatly appreciate it, since that example has published results and is more
complicated than the proton/Be example.
3) How does one go about measuring the total fluence of secondary particles
in all directions, like what would matter in a reaction chamber? Do I still
use USRBDX, or something else?
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