From: Paola Sala (
Date: Fri Nov 24 2006 - 15:58:40 CET
Dear Ercan,
changing the defaults you change also the
pre-set transport thresholds, therefore the point where
the particles stop ( actually hadrons and muons are "ranged out" when
they go below threshold, but E-M particles are not). For
your calculations you should be very careful
about cutoff, production, and delta-ray thresholds. It would be
much better to set them explicitly trhough the EMFCUT, PART-THR and
Your second question : If you need
to know in which region is the particle, you can simply
use the MREG variable. If you need the material and density
in a given region,
include the FLKMAT common, You'll have the material
and the density in RHO(MEDIUM(MREG))
( have a look at the comscw.f routine in the usermvax directory)
one more qestion: did you consider the possibility to use
built-in scoring , evt. modified by the weighting routines?
Ercan Pilicer wrote:
> dear all,
> i have modified some routines to calculate deposited energy (MeV),
> range (um) and LET (MeV/mg/cm2). somehow, i got different ranges,
> which also causes different LET, in silicon when i run the input file
> with the options, NEW-DEFA and PRECISIO. the range value in silicon
> with PRECISIO option is around 3.5 times greater than the one obtained
> with NEW-DEFA option. what could be the reason for this?
> meanwhile, is there a way to call z-coordinates of the medium
> dynamically? i mean, i dont want to recompile mgdraw.f eache time
> after redefining my geometry input file.
> kindly wishes,
> ercan
> ps. in the attached files (*.61) each column corresponds xpos, ypos,
> zpos, ekin, amass of particle for one event.
> =======================
> Ercan Pilicer
> High Energy Physics Department
> Uludag University, Turkey
> =======================
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