From: Alfredo Ferrari (
Date: Tue Dec 19 2006 - 09:34:17 CET
so the input exceeded the maximum storage available for parentheses
On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Stefan Roesler wrote:
> Hi
> Attached is *out and *log. Yes, there is a subscript out of range in log.
> Ciao, stefan
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Alfredo Ferrari wrote:
>> Please keep all discussions on the fluka-discuss list, not private.
>> Martin, did you check what is in the log file? Very likely you got
>> a message there detailing what went wrong (if Stefan is correct, you should
>> have a message like "subscript out of range.... ").
>> I never got the input file so I cannot help more.
>> Alfredo
>> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Stefan Roesler wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I pass this on to Alfredo/Vasilis. RPNORM is called with LASTEL=114705,
>>> which obviously exceeds MXEXEL....
>>> Thus, it could also be a problem in the code.
>>> Cheers
>>> Stefan
>>> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Holbourn, MP (Martin) wrote:
>>>> Stefan, Francesco, Sebastien
>>>> Thanks very much for replying
>>>> attached input file.
>>>> I am really confused aas the geometry seeems to build ok in simplegeo. I
>>>> am suinf free format with parentheses and I suspect it is my use of
>>>> parentheses that is causing the problems. I have a 4 sections of beampipe
>>>> made up of intersecting cyliders cut by planes at the bends in the pipe.
>>>> Region CU2 shows this. I also have a mirror and a collimator in the same
>>>> vacuum region, V33. I specified V33 as : Total Volume - (Baeampipe) -
>>>> (Mirror) - (Collimator). I am guessing it is the expansion of these
>>>> parentheses that is causing the problem because if I reduce the pipe to
>>>> just the first 2 sections Fluka runs OK. Issues start appearing when I add
>>>> the third section. Fluka runs ok but seems to take a lot longer.( Itested
>>>> this by only running 20 particles and the more complicated the parentheses
>>>> the longer it takes). Loading the geometry file in FLUKAGUI seems to take
>>>> several minutes also.
>>>> I have also attached the build from simplegeo (rrof removed) so you have
>>>> an idea of what my geometry looks like>
>>>> Any commments?
>>>> Thanks very much for your interest.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Martin
>>>> PS
>>>> Chris hope you don't mind but I have included you on this e-mail as you
>>>> have very kindly helped me in the past and it does appear at this stage to
>>>> be a geometry issue.
>>>> Sorry for troubling you
>>>> Regards
>>>> MArtin
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Stefan Roesler []
>>>> Sent: 18 December 2006 22:08
>>>> To: Holbourn, MP (Martin)
>>>> Subject: Re: Struggling to find error
>>>> Hi Martin
>>>> Please send the input. Most likely a format error, hard to tell without
>>>> input file...
>>>> Regards
>>>> Stefan
>>>> On Mon, 18 Dec 2006, Holbourn, MP (Martin) wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> Fluka aborts with the message
>>>>> ..../myFlukaArea/flutil/rfluka: line 311: 20178 Aborted
>>>>> moving inside temporary directory there is no .err file. The *.out file
>>>>> echos my input cards up to the end of the body definitions with the last
>>>>> few lines
>>>>> Number of bodies 62
>>>>> Length of FPD-Array 641
>>>>> There is nothing after this.
>>>>> The geometry builds fine in SimpleGeo and using the debugger in
>>>>> SimpleGeo shows no problems.
>>>>> Using gdb on the core.nnnn file provides no clue as gdb reports
>>>>> core.nnnnn not in executable format File format not recognised.
>>>>> Anybody any ideas on how to find the error?
>>>>> Martin Holbourn
>>>>> Radiation Protection Adviser
>>>>> Daresbury Laboratory
>>>>> Daresbury
>>>>> Warrington
>>>>> Cheshire
>>>>> WA4 4AD
>>>>> Tel: 01925 603266
>>>>> Fax: 01925 603381
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: +41.22.767.6119 | | CERN-AB || Fax.: +41.22.767.7555 | | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: | | Switzerland || | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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