Next message: Stefan Roesler: "fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion coefficients"
I am running a spectrum of Carbon source particles incident onto a an aluminum slab with a silicon detector. The Carbon atoms range in energy up to 100 GeV. I've varied the thickness of the aluminum from 0 to 37cm. The first set of runs took a long time (~ weeks) to run. I am re-running some of the cases (now using version 2006.3) to build better statistics and have noticed now that the FLUKA jobs start producing the following error message and the .err and .out files grow to be quite large with this line repeated.
*** Hhflev: call to Hadriv !! *** 0.786563193 5. 8 T
*** Hhflev: call to Hadriv !! *** 0.786563193 5. 8 T
*** Hhflev: call to Hadriv !! *** 0.786563193 5. 8 T
I am having trouble determining where the error actually is. An example input file is attached. Can somebody help me understand this error message?
- application/octet-stream attachment: test.inp