From: Lindley Winslow (
Date: Wed Mar 07 2007 - 03:36:10 CET
Hello All,
I am sorry for all who are not interested in neutron production for
yet another neutron yield question.
I am trying to reproduce a plot from Wang et. al. (PhysRevD 64
013012) that shows the fraction of neutrons from various processes. I
am finding that too many neutrons produced in iCode==300 reactions
and get more consistent results neglecting them completely. Please
see attached pdf for orginal plot and my current results for 10.3MeV.
I am calculating N_neutrons as the sum over the weights of the
outgoing neutrons minus the weight of the incoming neutron. If the
incoming particle was not a neutron I do not subtract anything
I assume this is a problem with my treatment of the neutrons below
As usual mgdraw.f and .inp attached too,
Thank you,
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