From: Sebastien WURTH (
Date: Tue Mar 20 2007 - 08:37:18 CET
Hello Lindley,
Thank you for your reply. I did saw your post of december in fact.
My point was rather to wonder why it worked with a former version of
ustsuw and not anymore.
The parameter NMXEBN is inchanged in the 2 versions.
Anyway, I have now two solutions to resolve that issue.
Lindley Anne Winslow wrote :
>I had a similar problem with USRYIELD and usysuw. I changed this value PARAMETER ( NMXEBN = 600 ) to a large enough value for the size I wanted and recompiled the function. My results seem fine.
>I too did not find any warning in the manual and people more familiar with FLUKA did not respond to my post warning me against it so I think its ok,
>P.S. My post can be found here:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Sebastien WURTH <>
>Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:05 am
>Subject: Is there a maximum number of energy bins in USRTRACK card ?
>>Hello everybody,
>>I wanted to use an "old" (from fluka2005.6 version) input file of
>>mine.I described a USRTRACK card with WHAT(6)=1000 energy bins.
>>I got results then, no problem by using ustsuw.
>>But, with the last version, fluka2006.3.3 and associated ustsuw, I
>>an error message :
>>"subscript out of range on file line 673, procedure ustsuw.f/MAIN
>>Attempt to access the 1000-th element of variable epgmax"
>>And the output files from fluka2006.3.3 still go OK through ustsuw
>>program from 2005.6 version, I got my spectrum with my 1000 energy
>>bins.So I didn't compare the 2 files line by line, but at line 673
>>it's the
>>same : EPGMAX(IG) = ENERGE
>>My question is : Is there a restriction now in the number of energy
>>? I only find the restriction of the number of detector (400) in
>>Any clue would be helpful.
>>PS : I use a source.f routine in the run sampling an Eu152 photon
>>source, but I don't think it is relevant here, since I got the same
>>message by using standard flukahp and SOURCE card switched off.
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