RE: questions with source & USRBIN

From: Mario Santana Leitner (
Date: Tue Mar 20 2007 - 01:19:46 CET

  • Next message: Vadim Talanov: "Jtrack value equal to -7 and -8"


    Concerning the first question, from the source file that you attach, I can't see where you do the random generation within the sphere, you seem to use the 6 coordinates of the beam:

          TXFLK (NPFLKA) = UBEAM
          TYFLK (NPFLKA) = VBEAM
          TZFLK (NPFLKA) = WBEAM
    * & - TYFLK (NPFLKA)**2 )
    * Polarization cosines:
          TXPOL (NPFLKA) = -TWOTWO
          TYPOL (NPFLKA) = +ZERZER
          TZPOL (NPFLKA) = +ZERZER
    * Particle coordinates
          XBEAM = 0.D0
          YBEAM = 0.D0
          ZBEAM = 8.D2
          XFLK (NPFLKA) = XBEAM
          YFLK (NPFLKA) = YBEAM
          ZFLK (NPFLKA) = ZBEAM


    I would suggest doing something like this, in the input file, you use the BEAMPOS card as follows:
    WHAT(1)-WHAT(3):x,y,z coordinates of the center of the sphere (XBEAM-ZBEAM)
    WHAT(4): radius of the sphere (UBEAM)
    If you want to generate in the VOLUME of the sphere:

           r = UBEAM * (FLRNDM(dummy) ** (ONETHI))
           alpha = PIPIPI * (FLRNDM(dummy))
           beta = TWOPIP * (FLRNDM(dummy))

    If you would want to generate only in the surface of the sphere, you would use something like this instead:

           r = UBEAM
           alpha = ACOS (ONEONE - TWOTWO * FLRNDM(dummy))
           beta = TWOPIP * (FLRNDM(dummy))

    In any case,

           XFLK (NPFLKA) = XBEAM + r * SIN(alpha) * COS(beta)
           YFLK (NPFLKA) = YBEAM + r * SIN(alpha) * SIN(beta)
           ZFLK (NPFLKA) = ZBEAM + r * COS(alpha)

    If the particles are pointing the center of the sphere, as you wrote, then:

          TXFLK (NPFLKA) = -SIN(alpha) * COS(beta)
          TZFLK (NPFLKA) = -COS(alpha)
         & - TZFLK (NPFLKA)**2 )

    Hope this helps,


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