From: Alberto Fasso' (fasso@SLAC.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Thu Mar 22 2007 - 22:26:54 CET
Dear Lindley,
your question is too vague to give it an answer.
Which material(s) are you using? Have you made sure that
the cross sections of all of them include gamma production?
(See Chap. 10 of the Manual).
Are you aware that not all neutron captures produce gammas?
For instance you can have a (n,alpha) reaction without gamma.
Are you aware that in a (n,gamma) reaction you may have
more than one gamma?
Have you just "counted" the neutrons and gammas, or have
you calculated the sum of their weights?
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Lindley Winslow wrote:
> Hello all,
> To try to understand FLUKA's treatment of low energy neutrons, I
> simulated 10,000 thermal neutrons (group 72)
> I found 5575 scatter and leave the detector.
> This leaves 4425 that stay in the detector.
> I only see 951 capture gammas from the neutrons that stay in the
> detector.
> I would expect that all neutrons that stay in the detector should
> capture. Is there another way to lose neutrons from the last group?
> Thank you,
> Lindley
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