From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2007 - 13:07:49 CEST
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:24:06 +0200
From: Stefano Agosteo <>
Cc: 'Giuseppe Battistoni' <>
Subject: simulating soft errors
Dear Ashay,
I have simulated the response functions to neutrons of a silicon telescope
coupled to a polyethylene converter. The response functions were scored
using the DETECT card.
Anyway, I think that if you want to consider charge collection and the
field-funneling effect, an ad-hoc algorithm running offline should be used.
As far as I know, FLUKA does not simulate the "electronic" part of silicon
devices. Moreover, if you are interested in low-energy neutron interactions
you should check that all the nuclear reactions (neutron absorption etc.)
are included in the cross-sections together with the transport of the
secondary particles. In the case of the reaction on B-10, I never checked in
the most recent version of the code whether the alpha particles and the Li-7
ion are transported or the energy is deposited with the kerma approximation.
Also the dimensions of your device could be critical from the point of view
of multiple scattering of electrons. Now in FLUKA electron single scattering
can be switched on, but presently I have no experience with that.
Best regards
Stefano Agosteo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Nucleare
Politecnico di Milano
via Ponzio 34/3
20133 Milano, Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 6318
fax: +30 02 2399 6309
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