From: Ercan Pilicer (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2007 - 12:57:39 CEST
hi valery,
as far as i understood sflood.o comes with binary file libflukahp.a.
but i didnt understand how to manipulate with it as a subroutine.
can we do the same, i mean by implementing spherical coordinates into
source.f like;
parameter (pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279D+00 )
ph = flrndm(dummy) * pi
th = flrndm(dummy) * 2 * pi
xxx = r * sin(ph) * cos(th)
yyy = r * sin(ph) * cos(th)
zzz = r * cos(th)
if yes what should be uxxx, vyyy, wzzz values as described in;
thanks in advance.
On 4/10/07, Valery Taranenko <> wrote:
> Hamide,
> This subroutine (like many others) is compiled into libFlukaHP.a library.
> You can see it by issuing command under Linux: "strings libflukahp.a | grep
> –i sflood". OK we found it. Now you need to write your own auxiliary fortran
> code (where you basically call that external subroutine) and compile it
> with Fluka. All that explained in a great detail in the manual.
> BTW, it would be nice to have a list of subroutines compiled into a library
> along with declarations and a short (really short) comments on what it does.
> This example with SFLOOD reveals a need for that. Sampling a uniform filed
> inside a sphere is very typical task and SFLOOD is definitely very helpful
> here. User will be able to search the description and find what is needed.
> By doing: "strings libflukahp.a | grep -i "\.f$" | sort -u | wc" I found
> 1266 fortran subroutines compiled into the library.
> What about ROT source? ROT—rotation symmetrical source, i.e. emission
> points are sampled uniformly on a cylinder with Z-component of directional
> cosine is always zero, and X and Y components of dir cos-s are sampled
> inside a cylinder, again, uniformly (cosine distribution on a cylinder
> relative to normal with zero Z-component for direction). Should I program
> SOURCE for this source?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Val
> Valery Taranenko, Ph.D.
> Postdoc Research Associate, RPI,
> Troy, NY
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> hamide jalali
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 6:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: what is subroutine SFLOOD?
> Dear FLUKA Users
> Alfredo Ferrari guided me to use subroutine SFLOOD to simulate cosmic ray (
> an uniform and isotropic fluence) but I couldn't find any explanation about
> this subroutine in the manual.
> Where can I find this subroutine?It isn't one of the pre-defined fluka
> subroutines?
> What is the relation between SFLOOD and SOURCE routine?
> How can I call and activate SFLOOD?
> Where can I find more explanation about it?
> Thanks in advance
> Hamide
-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ercan Pilicer High Energy Physics Department Uludag University, Turkey +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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