From: Valery Taranenko (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2007 - 17:56:24 CEST
You can but don't need to calculate coordinate on the surface as well as direction cosines. SFLOOD does it for you. You need to call this subroutine in order to set source. The arguments of SFLOOD are output variables, you assign their values to the source variables (XBEAM, YBEAM, ZBEAM ??? for position and something else for direction cosines). You program all of this in source.f file. You compile it with the libFlukaHP.a library, so the compiler knows where to find SFLOOD and the other subroutines.
Valery Taranenko, Ph.D.
Postdoc Research Associate, RPI,
Troy, NY
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Ercan Pilicer
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: what is subroutine SFLOOD?
hi valery,
as far as i understood sflood.o comes with binary file libflukahp.a.
but i didnt understand how to manipulate with it as a subroutine.
can we do the same, i mean by implementing spherical coordinates into
source.f like;
parameter (pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279D+00 )
ph = flrndm(dummy) * pi
th = flrndm(dummy) * 2 * pi
xxx = r * sin(ph) * cos(th)
yyy = r * sin(ph) * cos(th)
zzz = r * cos(th)
if yes what should be uxxx, vyyy, wzzz values as described in;
thanks in advance.
On 4/10/07, Valery Taranenko <> wrote:
> Hamide,
> This subroutine (like many others) is compiled into libFlukaHP.a library.
> You can see it by issuing command under Linux: "strings libflukahp.a | grep
> –i sflood". OK we found it. Now you need to write your own auxiliary fortran
> code (where you basically call that external subroutine) and compile it
> with Fluka. All that explained in a great detail in the manual.
> BTW, it would be nice to have a list of subroutines compiled into a library
> along with declarations and a short (really short) comments on what it does.
> This example with SFLOOD reveals a need for that. Sampling a uniform filed
> inside a sphere is very typical task and SFLOOD is definitely very helpful
> here. User will be able to search the description and find what is needed.
> By doing: "strings libflukahp.a | grep -i "\.f$" | sort -u | wc" I found
> 1266 fortran subroutines compiled into the library.
> What about ROT source? ROT—rotation symmetrical source, i.e. emission
> points are sampled uniformly on a cylinder with Z-component of directional
> cosine is always zero, and X and Y components of dir cos-s are sampled
> inside a cylinder, again, uniformly (cosine distribution on a cylinder
> relative to normal with zero Z-component for direction). Should I program
> SOURCE for this source?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Val
> Valery Taranenko, Ph.D.
> Postdoc Research Associate, RPI,
> Troy, NY
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> hamide jalali
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 6:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: what is subroutine SFLOOD?
> Dear FLUKA Users
> Alfredo Ferrari guided me to use subroutine SFLOOD to simulate cosmic ray (
> an uniform and isotropic fluence) but I couldn't find any explanation about
> this subroutine in the manual.
> Where can I find this subroutine?It isn't one of the pre-defined fluka
> subroutines?
> What is the relation between SFLOOD and SOURCE routine?
> How can I call and activate SFLOOD?
> Where can I find more explanation about it?
> Thanks in advance
> Hamide
-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ercan Pilicer High Energy Physics Department Uludag University, Turkey +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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