Problem with deuton converter

From: Feracci Vincent (
Date: Tue May 15 2007 - 16:22:29 CEST

  • Next message: Sebastien WURTH: "Re: Problem with deuton converter"

    Hello Fluka users,
    I am simulating the bombardment of a cylindric graphite converter (8 cm
    diameter, 1 cm thick) by a 40 MeV deuton beam (gaussian spatial
    repartition) in order to produce neutrons. However in my simulation I
    measure a convertion factor which is close to 1 ( 1 deuton creates 1.1
    neutron) while it should be, according to other simulations and
    experiments about 0.01. In order to take into account deuton
    interaction, I used the following parameters:
    EVENTYPE 2.0
    DPMJET (i have linked the DPMJET library)
    PHYSICS 1.0
    PHYSICS 3.0
    PHYSICS 1.0 0.001

    LOW-NEUT 72.0 22.0 0.0196 1.0
    I used Usrtrack and Usrbdx to measure fluence inside the converter and
    at given angles of the incident deuton beam. I run my calculations on
    FLAIR V0.4 and simulated with 20.000.000 primaries separated in 50 runs.
    I am unsure of the physics models I have used but I can't manage to
    understand what is wrong with my simulation. I have attached my input
    file to this mail. Is it a problem of energy threshold for the deutons
    who by consequence all split to give neutrons?
    Thanks in advance,

    Vincent Feracci
    Intern at the GANIL on SPIRAL2 project

  • Next message: Sebastien WURTH: "Re: Problem with deuton converter"

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