From: Francesco Cerutti (
Date: Thu May 31 2007 - 19:09:02 CEST
> I want to do some radiation damage study using FLUKA. In this context I would
> like to know and clarify some of my doubts which are as follows:
> 1) Can fluka calculate dpa or pka for any element or compound of interest. If
> it can be, which card is best suited for this?
Not yet, work is in progress in order to allow one to get this kind of
scoring. Hopefully with one of the next releases some new capabilities
will become available.
> 2) Can fluka help in finding NIEL (NonIonising Energy Loss)?
> 3) Is it possible to find the position and recoil statistics for each
> collision atoms which in turn can be fed to TRIM code? Can mgdraw subroutine
> help in this matter?
What is on the way is in fact the identification of recoil information in
nonionising events (for the ones induced by low energy neutrons a special
procedure is needed, due to the adopted multigroup treatment).
4) Can Residual Nuclei card help in finding pka?
At now it cannot.
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
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