From: Tang, Alfred (
Date: Wed Jun 06 2007 - 00:03:57 CEST
Dear FLUKA users,
In my previous emails, I worried about the simulation numbers looking wrong after I put in the LOW-MAT card. It turned out that I inadvertently used two of the material numbers twice in the input card which confused FLUKA. There is nothing wrong with using LOW-MAT. I think you already know that. I email you all again just to correct my message for the record. I like to thank Francesco Cerutti for his helpful comments.
Alfred Tang
Physics Department
Kansas State University
13 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
(785) 532-1699
-----Original Message-----
From: Tang, Alfred
Sent: Thu 5/17/2007 2:11 PM
To: ''
Subject: Thermal and epithermal neutrons
Dear FLUKA experts,
I know that FLUKA has a very good reputation in neutron simulations down to the thermal neutron regime (<1eV). In the case of complex materials such as hydrogen rich compounds, my understanding is that the chemical bindings of the molecules affect neutron transport because of the rotation and vibration of the molecules. MCNPX deals with chemical binding below 2eV (epithermal neutron regime) by letting the S(\alpha,\beta) treatment take over the free atom model. It seems that FLUKA does not ask for information about the chemical formula of the molecule nor specify any S(\alpha,\beta) treatment. Shall I assume that FLUKA also uses a free atom model above 2eV? My real question is "How does FLUKA simulate neutrons below 2eV?"
Alfred Tang
Physics Department
Kansas State University
13 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
(785) 532-1699
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