From: Sebastien WURTH (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2007 - 13:47:57 CEST
Hello again Shlomo, Giuseppe, everyone,
Sorry Shlomo, I didn't really inderstand your question, now it is clear.
I put my answer in the fluka discuss (I hope you don't mind) so that
everyone could take a look and maybe help more than me since I didn't
simulate any heavy ion source yet.
However, my advice is (if it's possible) to create some logic in which
you test a random number (= FLRNDM(dummy)) versus a distribution of your
choice to select the type of heavy ion you want. But I don't know (yet)
how to define the heavyion properties in source.f, like in HI-PROP card.
Maybe value Ijhion (heavy ion type if Ijbeam = -2, code for the heavy
ions in fluka) in included file (BEAMCM)....
Hope it helps a little more.
Shlomo Mark wrote :
>Shalom Sebastian
>Tnx for your fast answer
>About the problem, the source is an isotropic and homorganic cube (3-D) for
>example Am-241m that emit some heavy ions
>My qes. Is what is the best way to define the source (different heavy ions),
>using the subroutine SOURCE (do you have an example for that?) Or other
>TNX again
>Shlomo Mark, Ph.D.
>Negev Monte Carlo research Center
>Software Engineering Dep.
>Shamoon College of Engineering - SCE
>P.O.B 950 Beer Sheva 84100, ISRAEL
>Phone: + 972 - 8 - 6475631
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>On Behalf Of Sebastien WURTH
>Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 10:17 AM
>To: Shlomo Mark
>Subject: Re: Source definition
>Hello Shlomo,
>Since you are rather quick in the description you made, I can only
>assume I understood it properly.
>If by "plate" you mean "linear", ie a 1-D source, I suggest that you
>take a look a the fluka manual, in user routines chapter, to the source
>dedicated part.
>It is explained how to sample a source from an uniform distribution.
>Hope it helps.
>Shlomo Mark wrote :
>>I want to use the FLUKA to calculate the dose when my source is plate
>>from nuclear fission can you suggest me what is the best way to define the
>>Tnx again
>>Shlomo mark
>>Shlomo Mark, Ph.D.
>>Negev Monte Carlo research Center
>>Software Engineering Dep.
>>Shamoon College of Engineering - SCE
>>P.O.B 950 Beer Sheva 84100, ISRAEL
>>Phone: + 972 - 8 - 6475631
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