From: Paola Sala (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2007 - 10:29:30 CEST
Hi Masumi,
sorry, but I do not fully understand what are you trying to simulate.
Maybe the full input file would help. Anyhow, I'll try to give some
Your USRYIELD is scoring the angular distribution of muons , in 100
angular bins between 0 and 30 degrees, the muon energy being limited to
3 GeV. Is this what you want? How do you evaluate a cross section from
this scoring ? ( muons survive to all interactions, you'll always get
all muons out unless your slab is of the order of the range)
In general:
If you are interested in photonuclear events, you should use the
LAM-BIAS card to enhance the interaction probability, otherwise you'll
never get enough statistics
To evaluate statistical errors, you should use the binary output format
for the estimators, perform many (5-10) cycles of the same run ( i.e.
rfluka -M5 -N0 myinput ) and use the distributed auxiliary programs
to sum and process the results ( $FLUPRO/flutil/usysuw for usryield
Hope this helps, if not please send more information.
On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 10:55 +0500, wrote:
> Hi Thanks for your answer. For muon transmission through plutonium slab
> I started with default option new-defa. But it was not running
> although making an output file where it was written that low energy
> neutron cross section was not found. As I did not need any neutron
> transport, I tried to stop it. Then I gave EM-Cascade as default
> option as per your suggestion and and used pairbrem and muphoton
> option and usryield tally. But now for usryield output it is showing
> adopted cross section (if any) is ~1.0E-30 mb. The results of usryield
> are also of the order of ~1.0E-28 to 1E-33. What is adopted cross
> section? Also how can I get the error involved in the calculation? In
> the input file I have used usryield option as follows:
> Usryield 124. 10.0 48.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 detector
> Usryield 30.0 0.0 100.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 &
> Thanks. Mausumi
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